6 Ways to Bring Back the Fire Burning in a Relationship

6 Ways to Bring Back the Fire Burning in a Relationship

Humans are naturally intimate beings and we thrive off of interaction and human connection. We form relationships through a shared understanding of the world and some people get lucky that they find their one true pairing that they will spend the rest of their life with. But as for anything, relationships are a constant work in progress, and your connection with someone will never stop growing no matter how many years you’ve been together. Sometimes, relationships get stuck and you find yourself bored with each other. 

How Do You Rekindle The Spark Back In Your Relationship?

There’s an exhilarating feeling when you see someone you love. Kind of like having butterflies in your stomach. But in time, those fade, and the spark dulls down. If you find your relationship stuck in this predicament, here are 6 ways on how to rekindle that spark and bring back the fire burning in a relationship.

1) Try out a new hobby together

Trying out a new hobby is a great way to reconnect with your partner. Whether it be painting or finally playing that video game that’s been recently released or reading a book together and talking about your ideas and thoughts on the book. Getting into a new hobby is a great way to spend time with them and not get bored with each other since you’re both new to it and you get to experience the frustration in learning and share the achievement after. Consider learning to dance, learn a new language, take a cooking class on a new cuisine, etc.

2) Surprise each other more often

Keeping the element of surprise is a great way to maintain the butterflies and spark in a relationship. Leaving small notes of affection scattered around your house whether it be in the fridge, the side table, their desk, and their lunch box. There’s nothing better than seeing a note that tells how much you appreciate someone especially when you least expect it. You could also go on a surprise date, whether it be on a coffee shop around the block or a fancy restaurant uptown. Try curling your hair, dressing up nice and putting on a little bit of make-up once in a while, even though you have no plans on going out. It gives a boost of confidence for you and it serves as a nice surprise for your partner.

3) Go on a vacation

The world could be hectic and cruel sometimes and taking a breather from the fast-paced and busy world around you can help rekindle that spark in your relationship. Maybe one of the reasons why you’re feeling stuck in a relationship is that you’re both too busy with your careers and don’t spend too much time together anymore. Taking a vacation somewhere doesn’t necessarily mean going on an overseas trip. Going camping or spending a day on the nearest beach could do as well. As long as you have each other and away from all the stress and pressure of the world.

4) Be familiar with their love language

Different people show their affection in different ways. Learning your partner’s love language can help you in understanding them even more. Sometimes you give so much to someone and you feel as if you’re not receiving enough in return and you feel frustrated but it turns out maybe your partner’s love language is more on physical touch or words of affirmation and less on the tangible things. Learning how they express their love can teach you so much about someone and it keeps you from getting frustrated because you might be asking for something and you feel as if you’re not receiving but in fact, they’ve already given so much, just in a different way.

5) Learn or something he/she loves

Learning how to cook their favorite dish, listening to their favorite artist, trying out that game he/she always plays is a great way to show your partner how you appreciate them. Even though your cooking skills may not be that great or videogames are not your forte. It’s the thought that counts and the fact that you exerted effort to try to learn something they like and spend time with them doing something they like is a big deal. It’s also a great way to bond with your partner. You get to spend more time with them and in the process, you might learn something new about them.

6) Communicate more

Communication is key to a successful relationship. It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting or you’ve spent years together. Talking to each other is key to keep the flame burning and keep the spark alive. There are plenty of things to talk about like the small highlights of your day, or you could talk about deep stuff like your problems, anxieties, and frustrations. You can talk about your future goals in life and how you can achieve them together. Talk to your partner more no matter how small or big the discussion is because keeping things to yourself could be damaging to you and your relationship.

To wrap things up, relationships are constantly growing and you as a couple should grow together. It’s a constant give-and-take situation and a lot of understanding for each other. As for anything in the world, there’s no such thing as perfect. There are no perfect relationships and you might stumble upon a few bumps along the way but you wouldn’t mind a few hiccups as long as you have that special someone by your side to guide you and help you get through life. If you are struggling, Santa Clarita couples counseling can help your grow as a couple and learn good communication skills.